Hart’s Location Passes Model Groundwater Protection Ordinance Thanks to Efforts by USVLT
On Tuesday, March 12th, 2019 the Town of Hart’s Location voted to adopt the NHDES Model Groundwater Protection Ordinance at the annual Town Meeting.
As part of Upper Saco Valley Land Trust’s (USVLT’s) ongoing work to protect water resources throughout our service area, on conservation properties and non-conservation properties alike, in 2017 and 2018 we met with elected representatives from all of the towns we serve in New Hampshire. This outreach effort was funded by a drinking water/ source water protection grant from NH’s Department of Environmental Services. In April of 2018, Board members and staff from USVLT and representatives from FB Environmental Associates (hired by USVLT to help facilitate this work) met with the Hart’s Location Board of Selectmen.
The Board of Selectmen, including Mark Dindorf, Board member of USVLT and Chair of the Board of Selectman, recommended bringing the Model Groundwater Protection Ordinance to the voters at Annual Town Meeting, and a public hearing was held in February by the Planning Board where a summary presentation was made by USVLT Board members Anne Pillion and Tom Gross. The Planning Board voted to advance the ordinance to the Annual Town Meeting Warrant.
The Model Groundwater Protection Ordinance was adopted by a majority vote (14-5) at the Hart’s Location Annual Town Meeting.
Hart’s Location sits on a large stratified drift aquifer at the headwaters of the Saco River Watershed. It is our hope that this action will serve as a catalyst for our neighboring communities in the Saco Watershed to adopt similar protective measures and protect groundwater throughout the Mount Washington Valley.